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Men’s diet – what should it be?

The diet of men is practically not different from that of women. However, the body composition of men naturally tends to vary slightly from that of women. Men typically have more muscle tissue, which means they require more energy.

Furthermore, the nutritional needs for certain vitamins and minerals differ slightly between men and women. Some elements of the male diet differ from the female diet, which can influence certain aspects of health.

Should men eat more than women?

Men generally have a higher calorie requirement than women because they typically have more body mass, particularly muscle tissue. This physiological difference is not a rule, but a fact. For example, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of a 30-year-old man weighing 70 kg and standing 170 cm tall will be approximately 180 kcal higher than that of a 30-year-old woman with the same parameters.

The protein requirement is the same (0.9 g/kg/day) for both sexes in adulthood. However, it varies depending on age, physical activity, health status, and physiological status (in women).

Since men often weigh more, their protein needs may be higher than those of women.

Consuming the right amount of protein is crucial for maintaining proper body mass and composition, as well as for many important processes in the human body. Protein is necessary for hormone production, including testosterone, which is particularly important for male health. Protein is found in meat, fish, dairy products, grains, nuts, and legumes.

Adult men have a greater need for most vitamins and minerals compared to women. These nutrients include vitamins C, K, E, most B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. An exception is iron, which reproductive-age women should consume more of due to menstrual blood loss.

Men’s diet and health risks

Certain diseases and health problems may be more prevalent in one gender than another. This could be related, for example, to gender-specific dietary habits or favorable conditions associated with human physiology.

Cardiovascular diseases are more frequently diagnosed in men. This may be due to genetic conditions as well as specific tendencies related to lifestyle. Men are more likely than women to smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, and have unhealthy eating habits. Such behaviors contribute to higher rates of heart and circulatory system diseases.

Many men struggle with overweight or obesity, often due to high consumption of processed foods, which are typically high in calories. It is important to prevent obesity by focusing on healthy eating. What matters most is weight control, regular physical activity, and a diet low in processed foods, rich in protein, vegetables, fruits, and fiber.
