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MST® Creatine Kick 7in1 Peach ice tea 30 serv. 300 g

(4 customer reviews)


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MST® Creatine Kick 7in1 🍑 Creatine Kick 7in1 Peach Tea 30 servings 300 grams is a multi-component creatine that is quickly absorbed thanks to its innovative formula that combines various forms of creatine into one product. It brings together the benefits of seven different types of creatine, allowing you to achieve maximum results from your workouts. Creatine is an essential supplement for supporting energy metabolism in muscles and is scientifically proven to enhance performance and strength. It is also effective in increasing muscle mass due to its ability to retain water in cells, making muscles not only stronger but also visually larger and fuller.

Phosphate, malate, pyruvate, and citrate — all these creatine forms contain organic acids (phosphoric, malic, pyruvic, citric) that accelerate absorption and help release energy faster.

Active individuals and athletes who regularly train will appreciate the benefits of MST® Creatine Kick 7in1, such as rapid absorption, increased energy, muscle growth stimulation, and overall improved training results. Taking MST® Creatine Kick 7in1 helps maintain high ATP levels, boosting endurance and promoting more effective muscle mass gain. It’s an excellent choice for those seeking a creatine supplement without side effects or for those who avoid red meat.

FEATURES OF MST® Creatine Kick 7in1 Creatine Kick 7in1 🍑 Peach Tea 30 servings 300 grams:

  • Micronized Creatine Monohydrate — due to its small particles, it dissolves better, leaving no sediment and reducing the risk of stomach irritation, thus minimizing side effects.
  • Buffered Creatine Monohydrate — contains an alkaline component that prevents creatine breakdown in the stomach and enhances its absorption by muscles.
  • Creatine Phosphate — neutralizes lactic acid, reducing muscle fatigue and providing extra energy. This form of creatine works faster since the body doesn’t need to convert it into other forms.
  • Creatine Citrate — helps increase muscle mass without water retention.
  • Creatine Pyruvate — promotes fat burning and muscle mass growth.
  • Creatine Hydrochloride — is rapidly absorbed, doesn’t cause water retention, and requires no loading phase while avoiding gastrointestinal issues.
  • Creatine Malate — a combination of creatine and malic acid, stimulates metabolism and improves blood circulation, ensuring quick recovery and energy.


  • Maltodextrin — a fast carbohydrate that improves creatine and amino acid transport to muscles, aiding in muscle mass gain.
  • Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate — a salt of arginine and alpha-ketoglutaric acid, improves creatine absorption.
  • Waxy Maize Starch — provides slow-digesting carbs needed for muscle growth and post-workout recovery.
  • Siberian Ginseng Root — accelerates metabolism, helps burn fat, and increases endurance.
  • Citrulline Malate — an amino acid that supports immunity and improves overall body condition while reducing muscle fatigue.

MST® Creatine Kick 7in1 is the perfect supplement for athletes, especially those involved in weightlifting, bodybuilding, or other strength training. It makes workouts more intense and longer, while recovery is faster and more effective. Creatine increases cell volume and stimulates protein synthesis, leading to significant increases in muscle mass and strength.

BENEFITS OF MST® Creatine Kick 7in1:

  • Enhances ATP synthesis, providing energy for muscles.
  • Speeds up recovery after intense workouts.
  • Increases strength potential and endurance.
  • Stimulates muscle mass growth.
  • Improves overall training efficiency.


Mix 10 g (2 scoops) with 200 ml of liquid. Take before your workout.


Consult your doctor or trainer before use. Not recommended for children, pregnant, or nursing women. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Store in a dry place away from heat and light, out of reach of children. Do not use after the expiration date.


  • Supports ATP synthesis for energy.
  • Improves muscle recovery.
  • Boosts endurance and strength.
  • Stimulates muscle mass growth.

We appreciate feedback on MST® Creatine Kick 7in1 Peach Tea 30 servings 300 grams after use, as your reviews help us improve our products.


Декстроза, мальтодекстрин, креатін фосфат, буферизований моногідрат креатину, мікронізований моногідрат креатину, креатин цитрат, піруват креатину, гідрохлорид креатину, ароматизатори, фруктоза, воскова кукурудза (модифікований крохмаль), трікреатін малат, лимонна кислота, (сукралоза), альфа-кетоглутарат кальцію, сибірський женьшень, елеутерокок сентікозус, порошок з кореня, Л-цитрулін ДЛ-малат.



Змішайте 10 г (2 мірнi ложки) з великою кількістю рідини (200 мл). Використовуйте перед тренінгом.

Перед використанням проконсультуйтесь у лікаря або тренера.

Не рекомендується до застосування дітям, вагітним і годуючим жінкам.

Харчові добавки не повинні використовуватися як замінники різноманітного, збалансованого харчування та здорового способу життя.

Зберігати у сухому, захищеному від прямого тепла і світла, недоступному для дітей, місці.

Не рекомендуємо вживати після закінчення терміну дії.

Reviews (4)

4 reviews for MST® Creatine Kick 7in1 Peach ice tea 30 serv. 300 g

  1. Ірина

    Креатин – це справжній бустер енергії! Використовую його вже давно і результат вражає. Енергія на все день забезпечена, відчутно більше сил під час тренувань

  2. Катя

    Помітила покращення витривалості після кількох тижнів використання.Дякую за якісний продукт)

  3. Покупець

    Після вживання почуваю більше енергії та витривалості під час фізичних навантажень. Також помітно покращилося моє спортивне досягнення.

  4. Покупець

    Ефективний продукт з приємним смаком персика. Рекомендую!

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