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Micellar Casein: The Perfect Protein for Recovery and Sleep

Micellar CaseinMicellar Casein: Scientifically Proven Benefits, Research, and Recommendations

You can purchase micellar casein in Ukraine and Europe from MST Nutrition. This type of protein is highly popular among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those striving to achieve optimal physical shape. Micellar casein is a high-quality protein that is slowly absorbed by the body, providing a sustained release of amino acids. This product allows you to maintain muscles in an anabolic state even during sleep. In this article, we will take a detailed look at how micellar casein works, its benefits, scientific research, and find out which global celebrities actively use this product in their diet.

What Is Micellar Casein?

Micellar casein is a protein derived from milk and is characterized by a prolonged digestion process. Compared to whey protein, it provides a steady and consistent release of amino acids, making it ideal for consumption before sleep or during long breaks between meals. A key feature of this protein is its ability to form a gel in the stomach, ensuring slow and stable absorption.

Micellar casein is one of the most popular types of protein among those who aim to build muscle mass, prevent catabolism, and improve overall physical condition. It is also suitable for people who want to control their appetite and enhance the quality of their nutrition.

The Range of Micellar Casein from MST Nutrition

MST Nutrition offers a wide range of micellar casein with various flavors and packaging options, allowing everyone to choose the perfect option:

These flavors not only provide the necessary amount of protein but also allow you to enjoy a delicious taste with every serving.

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Micellar Casein

1. Protection Against Muscle Breakdown (Anti-Catabolic Effect)

One of the main benefits of micellar casein is its ability to prevent catabolism. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition shows that consuming casein before sleep enhances muscle protein synthesis and prevents muscle breakdown. This is particularly important for athletes who train for endurance or engage in strength exercises where the body requires a prolonged supply of amino acids.

2. Supporting Anabolism During Sleep

Long-Acting Casein is often recommended for consumption before sleep due to its prolonged absorption. A study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that taking casein before sleep increases protein synthesis and promotes anabolic processes in the muscles during nighttime rest. This makes the product ideal for those who want to keep their body in an anabolic state even at night.

3. Satiety and Appetite Control

Another advantage of micellar casein is its ability to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. Due to its structure, casein is slowly digested, which helps reduce appetite and allows for better control of food intake. Research published in Appetite confirmed that participants who consumed casein experienced reduced appetite and consumed fewer calories throughout the day.

4. Providing Long-Term Amino Acid Release

Micellar casein provides stable and prolonged amino acid supply to the body, making it ideal for extended periods without food, such as during sleep or long workdays. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that casein continues to deliver amino acids to the muscles for up to 7 hours after consumption, making it an effective tool for preventing catabolism.

5. Supporting Overall Bone Health

Casein is not only beneficial for muscles but also contributes to strengthening bone tissue. Studies in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research show that proteins, particularly casein, play an important role in maintaining bone mineral density, which is especially important for older adults and athletes.

Long-Acting Casein and Athletes

Micellar casein is widely used by many professional athletes. Due to its properties, this protein is a key part of the diet for those who aim to build muscle mass, speed up recovery, and support anabolic processes in the body. For example, bodybuilder Phil Heath and fitness model Lazar Angelov include casein in their daily diets to ensure a constant supply of protein to their muscles.

Which Celebrities Use Casein?

Micellar casein has long been a favorite among celebrities who actively engage in sports and aim to maintain their shape. For example, actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson includes casein in his evening meals to support muscle mass during sleep. It is also known that Arnold Schwarzenegger actively used casein during his sports career.

Scientific Research on Micellar Casein

One of the key aspects of casein’s popularity is its scientifically proven effectiveness. Let’s take a closer look at some of the major studies that confirm the benefits of this product.

1. Micellar Casein and Anabolism

Research published in the American Journal of Physiology shows that micellar casein significantly increases muscle protein synthesis, which is critical for muscle growth and recovery after workouts. This study confirms the effectiveness of casein as a long-lasting protein source.

2. Long-Acting Casein and Fat Loss

According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, participants who included casein in their diet during training not only experienced muscle mass growth but also a significant reduction in body fat. This makes casein an excellent choice for those aiming for a lean and toned physique.

3. Micellar Casein and Improved Sleep Quality

Another study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine indicates that consuming casein before bed can positively affect sleep quality. Since casein provides prolonged absorption and stable amino acid levels, it helps stabilize metabolism during nighttime rest, promoting deeper and more restorative sleep.

How to Take Micellar Casein?

For the best results, it’s important to take casein correctly. Most experts recommend consuming casein before bed or during long breaks between meals. The standard dose is 30-40 grams, which provides the necessary amount of protein to support anabolic processes. You can mix casein with water, milk, or add it to smoothies for a rich and tasty shake.

MST Nutrition Products

MST Nutrition’s micellar casein is available in cities across Ukraine, including Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Vinnytsia, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kropyvnytskyi, Lutsk, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Uzhhorod, Kherson, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, and Chernihiv. MST offers free delivery on orders over 2000 UAH. You can be confident in the high quality and effectiveness of the products, as all items undergo rigorous quality control.


Micellar casein is an essential product for those striving to achieve maximum results in training and maintain their body in an anabolic state. Due to its ability to deliver a sustained supply of amino acids, it is ideal for consumption before sleep, promoting recovery and muscle growth during nighttime rest. By choosing micellar casein from MST Nutrition, you get a high-quality product that meets the highest standards and will help you reach your fitness goals.
